Does Fenugreek Increase Breast Milk?

Fenugreek is an ancient medicinal herb that is also used for cooking. Historically, women in the Middle East and North Africa have used it for the purpose of increasing breast milk. In recent years, fenugreek has been produced as a powerful natural supplement for breastfeeding mothers. Several studies have documented that fenugreek does in fact increase breast milk production, in this article we will find out more about this super food.
How Does Fenugreek Improve Your Physical Well-Being?
There are several health benefits associated with fenugreek, they are packed with
phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins, all of which help with the following:
● Improves sex life
● Increase the production of breast milk
● Weight loss
● Cholesterol reduction
● Diabetes prevention
● Detoxifies the body
● Relieves heartburn
● Improves the quality of hair and skin
● Cures infections
● Cures sinus issues
● Slows down the ageing process

Fenugreek and Breast Milk Supply – The Facts

Estrogen is the female sex hormone, one of its main functions is to activate the sweat glands, since the breast is a type of sweat gland, estrogen also assists in stimulating the breasts. Fenugreek is made up of chemicals that mimic the function of this hormone. Experts in this field suggest that after 24 hours of consuming fenugreek, it will enhance the production of breast milk, the breasts will remain this way even if the milk is not expelled from the body.
Galactagogue Herbal Tea and Breast Milk Production

In the following study, a group of sixty-six mothers and their new-borns were placed in a control group, a placebo group and a group given fenugreek herbal tea. It was discovered that:
● The baby’s whose mothers consumed the fenugreek herbal tea gained their birth weight before the babies in the other groups.
● Mothers who consumed the fenugreek herbal tea had a higher volume of breast milk
● The group of mothers who consumed the fenugreek experienced a reduced
maximum weight loss.
Fenugreeks Effects on Prolactin Levels and Milk Production
A group of mothers with preterm infants consumed two fenugreek supplement tablets for 21
days three times per day. The study found that:
● The mothers did not experience any negative side effects
● The prolactin and milk volume levels were the same in those consuming the
fenugreek supplement and those in the placebo group.
Herbal Galactagogues During Breastfeeding

The mothers interviewed in this study had either used or were in the process of using herbal galactagogues. The results concluded that they experienced an increase in their breast milk production.
Fenugreek Herbal Tea and Breast Milk in Iranian Baby Girls

The mothers of seventy-eight infants between the ages of 0-4 weeks old who were only fed breast milk were used in this study. The mothers were split into two groups, one consumed a combination of fenugreek seed powder and black tea three times a day, the other consumed black tea powder three times per day for four weeks. The infants whose mothers consumed fenugreek experienced the following:
● More bowel movements
● The head circumference increased
● They gained weight
● They urinate more often
After evaluating the results of the following studies, it is possible to conclude that fenugreek does have a positive effect on mothers producing breastmilk. On the other hand, there are also some side effects to take into consideration.
Fenugreek Side Effects

Although fenugreek is a natural supplement, there are some side effects; however, none of them are life threatening. If you do experience any of the following symptoms while consuming fenugreek, stop taking the supplements immediately; if necessary, book an appointment to see your health care practitioner.
● When consumed with other medications, it can cause a reduction in blood sugar
● Sweat and urine has a scent similar to maple syrup.
● It can lead to premature labor (don't use while pregnant)
● It can cause stools to become loose
● Sweat and urine has a scent similar to maple syrup.
● It can lead to premature labor (don't use while pregnant)
● It can cause stools to become loose
How to Take Fenugreek to Increase Breast Milk Production

● You can purchase fenugreek supplements in liquid or pill form from a health food store
● Drink it as a tea, steep one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of hot water for 15 minutes before consuming
● You can cook with fenugreek leaves
● Mix powder or seeds in water or juice
● Add fenugreek seeds to salad
Can Everyone Take Fenugreek?

The majority of people can consume fenugreek; however, it should be avoided if you fall under the following categories:
● Pregnant women
● Taking prescription medications
● Suffer from heart disease, low blood pressure, diabetes, hypoglycaemia, asthma, nut allergy
Final Thought

Studies have indicated that fenugreek helps to improve breast milk production with a limited number of side effects; the benefits are experienced within 24 hours and users can stop consuming it once the required results have been achieved.
Check out Mama's Select Advanced Fenugreek Formula for breastfeeding Here: