Balance Your Hormones and Increase Breast Milk With Shatavari
Breast milk is essential to the healthy development of your little one. It provides the right combination of protein, fat and vitamins needed to help your baby grow. One of the key ingredients in breast milk is antibodies, they assist in fighting bacteria and viruses so that your child has less chance of developing conditions such as allergies and asthma. Studies have also found that babies who are exclusively breastfed for the first six months experience less diarrhoea, respiratory illnesses and ear infections. It was also found that they are taken to the doctor and the hospital less often. Some studies suggest that higher IQ scores in later childhood years are linked to breastfeeding. Additionally, the physical contact, eye contact and mother and baby touching each other skin to skin all help the baby to feel secure and to bond with its mother. Breastfed children are more likely to gain weight steadily as they grow instead of becoming overweight. It is also believed to prevent sudden infant death syndrome and lower the risk of obesity, diabetes and some cancers. If you are a mother finding it difficult to breastfeed, keep reading to find out how to increase breast milk production.
How to Increase Breast Milk Production?
Many new mothers find it difficult to produce enough breast milk and want to know how to increase breast milk production? Here are some helpful suggestions:
- Express Milk Often: Supply and demand will determine how much breast milk is produced. How many times, and how much milk is extracted from the breast will determine the amount of milk that is made. If you express often, whether it is by feeding your infant or by using a pump, you will produce more breast milk.
- Breastfeed and Then Pump: After feeding your baby, your breasts might not feel as if they have been emptied completely. You can solve this problem by pumping as soon as you have fed your baby. This will give your body the signal to produce more milk.
- Take Care of Yourself: Drink plenty of water and consume a healthy diet, find the time to focus on yourself and relax by taking a bath, reading a book or just take a nap. I know that as a mother you are extremely busy and it might seem impossible to take time out for yourself, but the more you care for yourself, the more you will be able to care for your baby.
- Lactation Enhancements: Shatavari is a powerful supplement that assists in stimulating breast milk production at an accelerated pace, it also helps to keep the breasts healthy while nursing, balance the female hormones and much more. You can purchase your supply here. However, it is advised that you seek advice from your doctor prior to taking any supplements.
What is Shatavari and What Are the Benefits?
What is shatavari and what are the benefits? Shatavari is a member of the asparagus family, it is also known as asparagus racemosus. It is also an adaptogenic herb because it helps the body cope with emotional and physical stress. Shatavari is used in ayuvedic medicine and it is known to improve vitality. There are several benefits associated with this herb, here are some of them:
It is an Anti-inflammatory: Racemofuran is known for its anti-inflammatory capabilities, it is one of the main ingredients found in racemofuran.
It is an Anti-oxidant: Anti-oxidants protect the cells against free-radical damage, they also fight one of the main causes of disease which is oxidative stress. Shatavari is also high in saponins which also has anti-oxidant capabilities.
It Helps to Boost the Immune System: Shatavari is used to boost the immune system, in a study conducted in 2004, it was found that shatavari root extract increased antibodies in animals to protect against whopping cough.
It Treats Diarrhea: Historically, shatavari was used to treat diarrhea, which can cause serious problems such as electrolyte imbalance and dehydration. A study conducted in 2005 discovered that it helped to stop diarrhea in rats.
It Acts as a Diuretic: Diuretics rid the body of excess fluid, those who suffer from congestive heart failure are prescribed diuretics to get rid of excess fluid surrounding the heart. There are many negative side effects associated with prescription diuretics; however, this is not the case with shatavari.
It Can Treat Ulcers: Ulcers are sores that grow in the stomach, esophagus or small intestine, they are extremely painful and cause severe complications such as perforation or bleeding. A study on rats conducted in 2005 discovered that shatavari had the ability to cure medication induced gastric ulcers in the same way that medications such as ranitidine, a drug used to cure ulcers can.
It Can Treat Kidney Stones: Kidney stones form in the kidneys as hard deposits, when they pass through the urinary tract, they cause severe pain. Kidney stones are formed from oxalates which are compounds found in foods such as French fries, beets and spinach. Studies have found that shatavari helps to prevent the formation of oxalate stones.